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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Did Water Damage in Your Chicago Home Leave an Unpleasant Odor?

9/11/2019 (Permalink)

water on floor in empty living room; fire place Water damage often leaves an odor after the water is dried. SERVPRO has the know how to remove the odor - permanently from your home!

Methods Used in Conjunction with Water Damage Restoration in Chicago 

Many people notice a difference between how their pet smells while dry and after the four-legged family member gets wet. The reason for the increase in odor coming from a wet animal is primarily because of the way odor-causing molecules hitch a ride on water molecules as they evaporate into the air. The body heat of the pet helps make the process happen faster, and SERVPRO uses heat when drying out a Chicago home, also.

During the restoration of a house in Chicago with water damage, the use of heat helps dry things out in a more even and rapid manner than what we might expect otherwise. Different materials inside a home give off odors when they absorb moisture in liquid form or from the condensation of water vapor. Many odors linger within the average house after we finish with mitigation, so we begin odor control measures soon after we begin the restoration process.

One type of deodorization that many customers expect us to use is ozone. Ozone is useful, but existing dampness in materials often means that we should try another method that does not carry the same risks as ozone brings. However, we want to use something that still provides the strength we get from ozone. Our hydroxyl generating machines accomplish for us.

Some customers might worry that the time needed to achieve results similar to those obtained when we use ozone machinery increases significantly. However, we can run our hydroxyl generating machinery at times that ozone machines cannot, such as when people are in the treated area. If the area remains vacant and people intend to occupy the space in a day or two, and heavy odors persist, ozone might work better than hydroxyl.

One method that many overlook as a way to help control unwanted odors in a house is the larger box fan. We can use this to disperse odor-causing molecules and direct the remaining ones out of the house. Many of these molecules are attached to water molecules in the air. Removing them from the home before they can become deposited on a surface elsewhere in the house helps in the further elimination of odors.

Because water damage can create such a large number of sources that cause odors, we often use multiple approaches, with some overlap occurring occasionally. Our goal is to satisfy the customer with the finished result. While our Odor Control Technician (OCT) brings extensive knowledge and experience to each job we do, it is the customer's nose that determines when odors no longer exist.

SERVPRO of Marquette Park / West Lawn / Ford City handles more than water damage-related odors in Gage Park, and Archer Heights, as well as around Brighton Park and Scottsdale. Call us at (773) 337-3993 to find out how we can help you restore your home where stains, deterioration, and microbial infestations also pose problems.

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